E-learning Course PGS15 (ENG)


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The storage of hazardous substances requires a broader knowledge of the subject and makes the PGS15 Certificate mandatory. This PGS15 course can also be followed in English. When you register via this link you will follow the English language course PGS15.

You can register for this English course via this page. Enter the number of students by changing the number, enter names, dates of birth and email addresses in the notes screen, pay and you can immediately download the course letter to start the course immediately. Do not forget to send the course letter to the other participants. You will also receive an invoice for your administration within 48 hours.

The E-learning course Hazardous substances in storage not only covers the PGS15, but also a wide range of other topics that are important for safe storage. The online course has been developed by a nationally recognized PGS15 specialist and trains you professionally as required in the PGS15 (professional competence).


Obtain the Certificate Course PGS15.

Topics include:

The law and regulations regarding the storage of hazardous substances (PGS15) and external safety.
The properties, the labeling of substances according to GHS/WM/ADR and the packaging.
Separation of substances in storage.
The storage of non-standard substances.
Working safely with hazardous substances in the warehouse.
Firefighting and calamity control dangerous substances.



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